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Doomadgee Hospital and Community Health Centre
- General enquiries between 9am to 5pm, please call: (07) 4745 8800
- In an emergency call: 000
- 19 Sharpe St, Doomadgee QLD 4830
Covering an area of 186,300 hectares, Doomadgee is located on the Nicholson River in the far north-western corner of Queensland, near the Gulf of Carpentaria.
The Waanyi and Gangalidda people are recognised as the Traditional Custodians for the area, which is a Deed of Grant in Trust community, governed by the Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council. Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people make up 93.7 per cent of the population of approximately 1,400 people.
Doomadgee Hospital is a Level 2 remote hospital under the Rural and Remote Clinical Services Capability Framework. The facility provides 24-hour acute inpatient and accident and emergency care. Culturally appropriate care is provided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers, nursing, medical, administration and operational staff.
Doomadgee Community Health Centre is staffed by nurses and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers. The team work in partnership with hospital staff and other agencies to provide health assessments, chronic disease management and coordination of visiting services. The model of care includes clinical review, health education and promotion programs.
Examples of programs are Deadly Ears; Child and adult respiratory (lung health) care, provided by the Indigenous Respiratory Outreach Care Program; Women’s health and child health; Allied health services; Cardiac and respiratory services; Sexual Health; Alcohol and Other Drugs counselling; Maternal Health; Mental Health; Dental; Diabetes Education, Medical physician outreach clinic, Gynae, Dermatology, Hearing screening and services, One Sight for eye review and glasses, Paediatric cardiologist, Rheumatic Heart Disease program and Renal Services.
Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council
In July 2010 under the Local Government Act 2009 the Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council was established. The Council is represented by a Mayor and 4 Councillors who are elected every 4 years. Doomadgee Today Covering an area of 186,300 hectares Doomadgee is a Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) Community.
Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Website: