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Patient Resources

Patient Resources

2023-12-06 09:40:47

This page provides you with access to resources and links that may assist you with making the most of your engagement activities.

NWHHS Consumer Advisory Team Handbook

The North West Hospital and health Service has been developed to assist consumers, carers and community members engaged in activities in the NWHHS to better understand:

  • the NWHHS boundaries and services provided
  • the expectations during and after engagement activities
  • skills for more effective engagement.

NWHHS Consumer Advisory Team Handbook

Consumer Support Services and Links

Human Rights Act 2019Government departments and public service employees have a responsibility to respect, protect and promote the human rights of individuals. They must act in a way that is compatible with human rights obligations when delivering services and interacting with the community.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services - The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Service acts as a cultural link between our health professionals and identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and their families.

Australian Charter of HealthCare Rights - The charter specifies the key rights of patients and consumers when seeking or receiving healthcare services.

Australian Institute for Patient & Family Centred Care - The Australian Institute for Patient & Family Centred Care brings patients, families and healthcare professionals to the table together, to transform people’s experience of healthcare.

Australian Institute of Family Studies - The Australian Government's key research body in the area of family wellbeing.

Carers Australia - The national peak body representing Australia’s carers, advocating on behalf of Australia’s carers to influence policies and services at a national level.

Consumers Health Forum of Australia - The peak organisation providing leadership in representing the interests of Australian healthcare consumers.

Council of the Aging Queensland (COTA) - The Seniors Peak Body committed to advancing the rights, needs and interests of people as they age in Queensland.

Health Consumers Queensland - The peak health consumer organisation representing the interests of Queensland health consumers.

International Association of Public Participation - An international member association which seeks to promote and improve the practice of public participation or community engagement on issues that affect the public interest throughout the world.

MIND Australia - Mind Australia is a leading provider of community mental health services in Victoria and South Australia.

National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum - Gives mental health consumers and carers a united, national voice focused on creating a more responsive service system that will improve their quality of life.

National Rural Health Alliance - Australia’s peak non-government organisation for rural and remote health.

National Safety and Quality Standards  - The Standards provide a nationally consistent statement of the level of care consumers should be able to expect from health service organisations.

Office of the Health Ombudsman - The Office of the Health Ombudsman is Queensland’s independent health service complaints agency.