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2022-08-09 09:28:21

Cloncurry Multipurpose Health Service (MPHS)

  • General enquiries between 9am to 5pm, please call: (07) 4742 4500
  • In an emergency call: 000
  • 1 Musgrave St, Cloncurry QLD 4824

Cloncurry is located on the Cloncurry River in North West Queensland and comprises approximately 3,032 residents supplemented by a fly-in-fly out workforce of approximately 3,000. The town supports major silver, gold, copper and zinc mining operations and thriving cattle and sheep industries.

The Mitakoodi people are recognised as the Traditional Custodians of the lands surrounding the Cloncurry region. In total, over 22 per cent of the local population identify as Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Cloncurry Multipurpose Health Service provides rural and remote hospital services including an inpatient facility, a residential aged care facility, an emergency department and an outpatient department. A multidisciplinary model of care is implemented across the continuum with inpatient services supported by a medical superintendent.

Community health services provide an aged care assessment team, sexual health, chronic disease management, diabetes education, mental health, alcohol and drug service, school health, child and youth health, women’s health, palliative care, physiotherapy, dietician, and optometry services. North and West Remote Health provides allied health services and diabetes education.

Common episodes of care include general injuries, chest pain, cellulitis, digestive system disorders, otitis media and upper respiratory infections, abdominal pain, chronic obstructive airway disease, respiratory infections and antenatal and other obstetric care.


Cloncurry Shire Council

Cloncurry Shire Council is a future-focused, community-responsive organisation with a charter to enhance all facets of life in the Shire.

Cloncurry Shire Council is focused on creating an improved future while remaining responsive to the current needs of the community as broadly defined.  This identity shifts our focus from that of a provider or supplier of infrastructure including roads, water, sewerage, waste management and rates to one of articulating that Council has an increased focus on planning for the long-term needs of the community and coordinating the delivery and ongoing management of services, infrastructure and facilities.

The Council is further committed to enhancing the liveability of the greater Cloncurry Shire community through coordinating the provision of social facilities to make the Shire a more liveable community. 

Cloncurry Shire Council Website:
